Kevin Herrera headshot

Kevin Herrera

is a Frontend Engineer and designer by trade. Collaboration and creating is his passion. Currently creating & collaborating at Cloudflare

Kevin Herrera headshot

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Sports and economic news ticker

Based in
Austin, Texas

As a software engineer, I specialize in developing unique and user-friendly digital products. I believe that a successful software starts with a solid foundation, clear communication, and a deep understanding of the end user's needs.

Getting Started with Astro.js

Learn how to kickstart your development journey with Astro.js.

Getting Started with Astro.js

Learn how to kickstart your development journey with Astro.js.

Advanced Techniques in Astro.js

Explore advanced tips and tricks to take your Astro.js skills to the next level.

Introduction to Reactive Programming

Discover the fundamentals of reactive programming and its applications in modern web development.

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